Learn 5 email marketing skills in one article

To get the best result from email marketing, you have to follow some rules that will contribute in one way or another to giving a better artistic touch to your work
Today I will give you the top 5 skills that everyone who works in email marketing should know and work with

The first skill is to search for and collect email addresses

the simplest way to do this is to go to google and when you enter you click on the settings button and then click on search settings and then make sure that the results option for each page is set to 100 to get more results

after that you can go back to Google and search, and now let's say you want to target people directly related to digital marketing
That means you tell google to search in pages related to digital marketing and search under gmail which is tld part of gmail email, click google search you will see the magic, you will get some results and what you will do is simply select all the text and copy it then go to H-supertools-email TXT extraction tool which Which is one of the many free features offered by H-supertools, then paste the text and click on the get data button, then you will see what you get from the email addresses, you innovate You can do this process several times and collect more email addresses
Also you can use some paid services to collect email addresses like snovio so you can simply find email addresses, you can also use hunterio service and there are many other services

Skill number two: email validation

Validating email addresses is very important in email marketing. When you want to send an email marketing campaign, especially in a cold way, you need to verify the correctness of the targeted addresses and make sure they exist. There are plenty of paid services out there for you to validate addresses, but you can also simply go to H-supertools - email validation tool again

After you copy the email addresses that appeared to you in the first skill and paste them here, the accuracy of this service reaches 98% and this way you get more than 200 email addresses completely free
Then after you verify that the addresses are correct, you can copy them again and target them

Skill number three: use Gmass

To send a bulk email marketing campaign, the best way is to use an extension called Gmass, and this is the third skill already, install Gmass and add it to your Chrome browser, then open your gmail account, then click create, when you do that it will appear to you a complete email marketing system within gmail, the Gmass tool is a great extension that makes it very easy for you to work, all you have to do is set the target email list and prepare and schedule messages, there are many options within this tool that turn your account into a complete email marketing system, and you can get started absolutely for free

The fourth skill: warm up your email and its server before starting the email marketing process

 The warm-up process is very important before starting, but what is the warm-up process first

Warm-up is simply to increase your reputation on the Internet by increasing your pilgrimage to the messages that you send gradually day after day
For example, on the first day you send only 10 messages, the second day comes and you send 20 messages, and the third day comes and you send 40 messages and so on
The amazing thing is that if you go back to H-supertools - Email Warmup Schedule Generator you will find that there is already a free tool that helps you create the right schedule for doing the warm-up, for example if your goal is to send 500 emails per day, all you have to do is select the number of messages you want to send and then create the schedule and it will show you a chart of how and when to send the messages, and this schedule you can download and export as a CSV and use to warm up your email

Skill number five: know where your messages are going

When you are sending an email marketing campaign you need to test whether your email is going to your inbox, spam or promotional tab

To do that go back to Gmass and then go to Products and click on Inbox, spam, or promotion  

this tool will help you know where your messages are going before you even start sending 

you just have to copy the email addresses that gmass will give you and then go to your email marketing system and here I am using gmail

Now all you have to do is to create a new email, simply in the "send to" section paste all the email addresses that you copied, and write the email you want to send, then click on Gmass and start the sending process

after that return to gmass again and look for the email subject line and you can see that if your emails will land in spam or whatever, you can see what the campaign is like before you even start it so you know what results you'll get Indeed, it is a very important process so that you know exactly what is going on around you

And here I reach to the end of this article and I really hpe you find it useful
